Terebinth Tree at Mamre
Abram and his nephew Lot, traveled together to the land of Canaan with their belongs, herds, families, and servants. The land was not big enough for the two families to dwell together. Abram offers Lot first choice of neighboring lands to move to. Lot lifted his eyes and chose the land based on its beauty and resources which included Sodom and Gomorrah, and moved there. Abram however did not lift his eyes until Lot had moved. Then God told him to lift his eyes and look at the land God had for him. God gave Abram the land.
With the land that Lot picked came strife and captivity. When war broke out, Lot along with his baggage were taken as part of the spoil. Whereas the land that was given to Abram, came with peace, simplicity, and strength to rescue Lot from captivity; above all God was in it. Lot chose the land with his eyes, Abram chose God with his heart. Lot saw what the land could give him, Abram saw what God would provide. Lot saw with the flesh, Abram with faith.
When opportunities come your way, with which eyes do you make your choice, the eyes of flesh or the eyes of faith in God?
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding. Prov 3:5