Not Your Home

Genesis 19&20. Fitting in within society has it’s benefits. One is able to enjoy it’s resources and opportunities. But at what point can it become harmful? Simply put, when society fits within you. A person’s identity can be so influenced by society that it will dictate how you live. One is never truly accepted in society unless you conform to its beliefs and practices. It begins with acceptance and grows to conformity. In these two chapters of study, we note how Lot, Abraham’s nephew, became a part of Sodom, a place that was never truly his home. He sat at the gate with the locals and knew their customs, but Sodom was never his home. When Lot finally spoke up against its sinful practices, they quickly reminded him that he was just an alien living among them, not one of them.

Abraham tried to make his home in Gerar, under the king Abimelech by tricking the king in saying that Sarah was his sister. While there was half truth to it, it was still a lie. When God spoke to Abimelech and revealed Abraham and Sarah’s identity, Abimelelch a man of integrity, rebuked Abraham and Sarah for misrepresenting themselves.

In both cases, neither Lot and family, nor Abraham, nor Sarah were living in their true identities. Yet God intervened in each case. He rescued Lot and his daughters, but condemned Sodom. He rescued Abraham and Sarah, but spared Abimelech. Had God not taken them from their surroundings, they all might have lived the rest of their lives apart from their homes and identities found in God. If you are a believer of Jesus, know this world is not your home. Your citizenship is in heaven, prepared for you by Jesus. Your identity is not defined by this world but found in Him, old things have passed away, all things have become new. What is your perspective today? Does the way you live align with your identity? An encouragement today is: if you live in this world with a heavenly perspective, your true identity in Christ will never be compromised.

Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

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