What We Do


At each of the services and Bible studies, there is emphasis on contemporary praise and worship, as well as Biblical instruction.

Praise and Worship: The focus of praise and worship is God Himself. It is intended to draw our hearts into an attitude of joyful praise and reflection as we offer up to God “the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name” (Hebrews 13:15).

Biblical Instruction:  As we seek to know God through His Word, we continually discover that He is more wonderful than we imagined. Learning more of Him leads us to put less confidence in ourselves and trust more in Him. Presently, Pastor Gene is teaching verse-by-verse through the Bible in our Sunday services. By exploring the Bible in this manner, our hope is to increase your own appetite to study the Word on your own, and discover the life changing truths that are contained within!

Children’s Church:  After praising and worshiping together as one church family, the children are encouraged to join in Children’s Church where they gather to learn and discover God’s truths thru bible lessons and activities.